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Now downloading free:IBM Deskstar 16GP Quick Installation Guide v3.0

IBM Deskstar 16GP Quick Installation Guide v3.0 free download

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File name Deskstar 16GP Quick Installation Guide v3.0.pdf

IBM storage products Quick installation guide Deskstar 16GP AT/IDE Models: DTTA-350320, 350430, 350640 DTTA-350840, 351010, 351290 DTTA-351680 Handling precautions Quick installation procedure 1. Do not cover the breather hole! Covering the Note: It is advisable to backup all data before pro- breather hole may result in loss of data. ceeding with the installation. If your system BIOS cannot handle large capacity drives (due to inadequate address locations, most systems are limited to accessing drives with a cap- acity of 8.4GB or less), you may need to use a disk overlay program such as Ontrack's Disk Manager. 2. Do not press on the drive! Do not apply any force The following procedure uses the Ontrack Disk to the drive during handling or installation. Manager software. Information on obtaining a copy of Ontrack's Disk Manager can be found on the Web at Setting the jumpers 1. Refer to your computer manual to determine if you require the 15- or 16-head logical architecture. 3. Always handle the drive with care to prevent 2. In a one drive system, configure your new drive as damage from shock, vibration, or electrostatic dis- Master (Device 0) charge (ESD). 3. In a two drive system, one drive must be desig- 4. Do not open the static-protective bag containing nated as the Master, the other as the Slave (Device 1) the drive until required. Static electricity can damage 4. When installing the new drive as a Slave, check the drive. the Master drive to determine if a jumper change is re- 5. Turn off and unplug your computer. Remove the quired to indicate that a Slave drive is present. cover. 5. Consult your manual to see if your computer sup- 6. When installing the drive, touch a grounded, ports Cable Select before choosing this option. unpainted metal surface with the static-protective package containing the drive for at least two seconds. 16 head logical architecture (This drains static electricity from the package

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